Image sizes in the Customizr theme

Customizr includes five specific image sizes for the slider, the grid and the thumbnails.
Height (in pixels) Width (in pixels Used for Cropped
tc_thumb_size 250 270
  • Alternate small Thumbnails
  • Featured Pages
slider_full_size 500 infinite
  • Sliders in full width
slider_size 500 1170
  • Sliders boxed
tc_grid_full_size 350 1170
  • Images in grid layout - full width
tc_grid_size 350 570
  • Images in grid layout - columnised

I already have pictures in my media library, will they fit to the slider dimensions?

If you’ve just switched to Customizr from a previous theme, you need to recreate your already uploaded images for them to nicely fit Customizr specific sizes. Otherwise, the circle hover effect or the slides might not be displayed properly.
Hopefully, you don’t have to re-upload all your images! There is a fantastic plugin to do that : Regenerate Thumbnails.
The recommended way to modify image sizes is to use a plugin from the WordPress repository.
Generally easy to use, a plugin will not erase your previous images, and automatically generates new images at the theme sizes in your /upload folder.
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