A selection of online font and typography resources
Image credits : pexels.com
- Choosing Types Principles
- Four techniques for combining fonts
- 8 tips Combining typefaces
- Rules for beautiful typography
- Principles for beautiful Typography
- The Noodle Incident’s CSS and Text
- W3 Schools: CSS Fonts
- About.com’s Web Design (CSS): What is a Font
- The Noodle Incident’s Tutorial on Typography
- HTMLHelp’s Font Properties
- HTML Source: Text Formating
- University of Minnesota Creative Standards Guide: Text and Fonts
- About.com’s Web Design: How Many Fonts are Too Many
- Thinking with Type
Font Size Resources
- W3c’s Care With Font Size
- CSS A List Apart: Size Matters
- BIG BAER Explains CSS Font-Size
- MIS: Using Relative Font Sizes
- WebDevRes: CSS Font Size Control and Recommendations