Customizr Theme options : Pages and posts layout


This documentation page will help you understand how to display sidebars in your pages and posts with the Customizr WordPress theme. Once activated, the sidebars can be used to insert WordPress Widgets like your latests posts, a calendar, a Google Map, an additional menu, etc.

The Customizr theme offers four different column layouts out of the box :

You can define your page and post layout at two levels :

  1. in the main options screen (the live customizer),
  2. and for each single post or page.

In the main option screen you can define the global default layout for the different screens of your website.Global default layout. This layout will apply for the following pages :

  • Archives : categories, tags, author page, archive by dates (day, month, years)
  • Search pages
  • Error 404 page
Hint : if you check the Force default layout everywhere, the global default layout will be applied on all your website, including front page and will also override the specific layout set for pages and posts (see below).

Posts default layout
This layout will be the default layout for all your single posts. This can be overriden by a specific layout set for a post (see below).
Note : The maximum number of posts per page selected below the post layout will be applied to all posts list : home page, blog page, archives (categories, tags, authors, dates), search page.

Pages default layout

This layout will be the default layout for all your pages. This can be overriden by a specific layout set for a page (see below).

Setting a single post or page layout

In the edit screen of each post or page you can define a particular layout in a dedicated box (on the top right corner of the screen). 

post layout in the Customizr theme

This will override the default layout set in the customizer options but can be overriden if you check the Force default layout everywhere option.

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