How to use post formats in the Hueman theme for videos, audio files, links, galleries ...
WordPress includes a handy way to differentiate your blog posts with Post Formats. You can put any kind of content you’d normally publish in a post in any of the post formats, but they are designed with particular kinds of content in mind.
If your theme supports post formats, like the Hueman theme does, a dedicated option box is displayed in the right sidebar of the post edit screen.
- Standard is the default post format, your everyday blog post. You can also add video, images, galleries, and whatever else you would like to a regular Text post.
- Photo is intended for single image posts — a quick snap of lunch or your cat.
- Video is for, well, videos.
- Quote highlights your blockquoted text in a bolder way than standard posts typically do.
- Link is for those days when you just want to share a link to a fantastic article you read.
- Aside for brief snippets of text that aren’t quite whole blog posts, such as quick thoughts and anecdotes.
- Gallery for (you guessed it) galleries.
- Status for a quick update about what you are doing right now.
- Audio for your favorite tunes or podcasts.
- Chat to highlight memorable conversations you have with friends, both on- and offline.
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When you select a post format, a Format box is displayed below the text editor, in which you can set specific option for this format. For example, selecting Audio will display a field in which you will paste your audio link(s).