How to use Nimble Builder page template ?
By default, on any page of your site, Nimble Builder proposes default locations in which you can insert content. But this doesn't replace the active theme template. For example, when you start customizing a category page with Nimble Builder, you start from the existing theme category page on which Nimble B. allows you to insert content.
But Nimble builder also includes its own page template. Nimble Builder's template uses the active theme's header and footer, but replace the default theme content by your Nimble Builder sections. Using Nimble Builder's page template is useful when designing reusable templates. It can also be useful for example if you need to set custom widths for your content. Depending on your theme CSS structure, it can let you display your sections in full width or with a custom outer and inner width.
When you select Nimble Builder template, all default theme content of the page is replaced (but not removed, you can roll back to your default content at any time) by an empty canvas, allowing you to start designing from a blank page. Going further, you can also completely replace the default theme's header and footer by custom ones created with Nimble Builder.